Solar Hot Water
Custom Designed Hot Water Solutions to Meet all of Your Heating Needs

Solar Applications in the Home
Scurfield Solar & Heating works with industry leaders in solar technology to install the highest quality systems. We offer Flat-Plate and Evacuated Tube Collectors, as well as a variety of storage tank, back-up tank and tankless options.
Any high efficiency water heater from Scurfield Solar & Heating can be integrated with a Solar Thermal System
Solar Hot Water FAQs
How does a solar water-heating system work?
Every solar water-heating system features a solar collector that faces the sun to absorb the sun's heat energy. This collector can either heat water directly or heat a "working fluid" that's then used to heat the water. In active solar water-heating systems, a pumping mechanism moves heated water through the building. In passive solar water-heating systems, the water moves by natural convection. In almost all cases, solar water-heating systems work in tandem with conventional gas or electric water-heating systems; the conventional systems operate as needed to ensure a reliable supply of heated water.
There are many types of solar water heaters. Each has strengths to recommend it for specific climates and water conditions.
Can a solar water heater replace an electric or gas water heater?
Not completely. Conventional electric or gas water heating systems are still necessary as a supplement to the solar water heating system, largely because the sun might not shine in a particular area for several days at a time. However, because solar water heaters are designed to provide hot water directly to the tank of a gas or electric water heater, they reduce the need for the water heater to run on conventional fuels. And this in turn reduces your gas or electric bill. Depending on where you live, solar water heaters can provide up to 80% of your home's annual water-heating electricity needs over 30 years.
Can solar water heaters be used in northern states and other colder climates?
Yes. Solar water heating technology is effective regardless of the outside temperature. In colder climates, more energy is required to heat cold incoming ground water, so using solar energy in such conditions could dramatically lower a consumer's utility bills. In addition, colder incoming ground water helps solar water heaters to operate at higher efficiencies.