Perch Blog App - Company Name
Posted on December 09, 2016

Duct cleaning for better indoor air quality

DECEMBER 1ST presentation-Green Heating for Your Home
Posted on November 25, 2016

DECEMBER 1ST presentation-Green Heating for Your Home

Come join us for this informative presentation on High-efficiency home heating systems
with solar integration.

Ben Scurfield, Owner of Scurfield Solar & Heating, delivers an informative presentation on “The Path to a High-Performance Heating System”.

A.J. Gonzales, Umpqua Store Manager, presents information on the GreenStreet Lending program which offers preferred rates for financing your energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy systems.

Thursday, December 1st, 2016; 6pm-7pm
Reservations required! Space is limited!
Contact us: (707) 825-0759 *

Air-source heat pump on display &                                                                         FREE, NO OBLIGATION Informational Workshop
Posted on October 03, 2016

Air-source heat pump on display & FREE, NO OBLIGATION Informational Workshop

Are you curious about how an air-source heat pump works?
Considering this system in your own home, but want to see the components in-person?

Now is your opportunity!
Check out our air-source heat pump with integrated solar-energy system display at Umpqua Bank in Arcata. The display includes information on how an air-source heat pump works, why it is a superior alternative to other heating systems, availability of financing options (including Umpqua Bank’s Green Street Lending) and why Scurfield Solar & Heating is your #1 choice for heating service and installation.

Want to learn more?
Attend our monthly FREE, NO OBLIGATION WORKSHOP where we will share the latest options in green energy and financing. We can also answer any of your questions about products or our services.

We provide workshops to service groups too!

SIGN UP FOR THE WORKSHOP at the Umpqua Bank display or send an email with WORKSHOP in the subject line to:

Thank you Umpqua Bank for your terrific banking services and support of local business!

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